Sunday, September 9, 2007

This is not Democracy

I have been watching the APEC debacle and it has got me feeling really depressed. There is no democracy in this nation, grave injustice is occurring on our street and yet the mainstream media is doing it's best to hide this fro the Australian public.

When I was still in school and before the media diversity laws were changed and the ABC was silenced by Howard I learned about the importance of a healthy media and the role that it played in a liberal democracy. Now our media is not healthy, and our democracy is not liberal.

I saw this footage on you tube, I should have seen it on prime time news!

And it saddened me greatly how can police officers assault a woman like that ? why did they not even help her up again? did they not feel like tyrants? whose interests are they serving? I thought that they were supposed to protect society and I thought that society was supposed to exist to prevent things like mobs of men from assaulting women in the street and to stop the strong from from abusing the weak.

I think I will do a a bit of research and a few posts about these matters hopefully this will help to ease my mind over the distressing state of affairs that our world is in. There once was a time when I used to follow politics and the news, but then it all got to depressing for me I could not handle all of the injustice, I just burried my head n the sand and changed the channel.

Now I feel compelled to do something, my own government is looking more and more like a totalitarian regime every day and while I used to be able to shut myself away from all the injustice that was being committed by the likes of Bush and Howard on the other side of the world now it is a lot closer to home and I can no longer change the channel,because the injustice is not just being committed on the television it is being committed outside on the streets and my head is likely to be trampled if I leave it under the sand.

At the very least I will ease my own sense of frustration by highlighting some of the injustices that I see over the next few blog posts.

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