Tuesday, October 2, 2007
What is this Blog about Anyway?
Anyway my studiesa are going well, I feel that I have a goo basic understanding of computers now and am confidenmt to start an IT degree next year, but wiill have to give it some thought because a degree in new media studies also looks rather tempting.
I have fiinished learnindg the basics of javascript, I fell pleased and disaapointed as well. Pleased becuase I achived what set out to, and I understand all of the basics now. But sad becausre of how limited in scope javascriopt is, still I am now going to spend some time focusing on XML the beggining Javasscript book ny Wrox that I read was so good that I thnk I will give the Beggining XML book a go.
This time I will mainly just read the book and type out some of the examples and all of the questions, while typing the entire fiorst 500 pages of Beggining Javascript did help my typing like I had hoped it would, it qalso slowed down my progress, I am not going to put quite that much into learninig the basics of XML, becuase soon I want to start learning a server side scripting language, probably PHP, but I guees It will also depend on what I end up studying next year, whatever it is I am going to put both hands into it, and there will be tiie for little else.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Source of Hope
The nblpg is written by a software devloper, and is abit heavy for me, but I checked it out becuause it was a link:
coding horror
on a helpful forum users response over at Wrox javascript forums. Any here is an extract of the article:
After a fair bit of trial and error I've discovered that people who struggle to code don't just struggle on big problems, or even smallish problems (i.e. write a implementation of a linked list). They struggle with tiny problems.
So I set out to develop questions that can identify this kind of developer and came up with a class of questions I call "FizzBuzz Questions" named after a game children often play (or are made to play) in schools in the UK. An example of a Fizz-Buzz question is the following:
Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print "Fizz" instead of the number and for the multiples of five print "Buzz". For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print "FizzBuzz".
Most good programmers should be able to write out on paper a program which does this in a under a couple of minutes. Want to know something scary? The majority of comp sci graduates can't. I’ve also seen self-proclaimed senior programmers take more than 10-15 minutes to write a solution.
To be honest I think that the claim is well and truly exaggerated, but it was nonetheless inspiring becuase as I read the question I sauid to myself I think I can do that , so I open up notepad and hammered out a solution:
var nums=new Array();
function FizzBuzzTest()
Just had to post this becuase it felt so good, now where is my Biscut?
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Back to JavaScript
For a little while now I have been learning the basics of javascript, although since Uni has started I have petty much left it alone as I have been too busy with trying to learn some networking and Windows XP fundamentals.
This last weekend I took the time to spend a little while studying JavaScript again, and it was really fun, I want to make sure that I do not leave so long till the next time so I figured I would throw something random up here, of course only just having started out it is a bit hard to Incorporate code into the Blog because there are restrictions on what you can upload and I have to access my images thru an external site( photobucket) but meh! it is all practice I suppose.
If you click on the above image than you will see a slide show of some of the images that I took when I went to the Territory wildlife park( a great place that I will probably blog about when I am of a more cheery disposition)
There are a few options that I have been playing around with in this script, one of them was to get the image to move randomly around the screen, I was surprised how easy this was to achive, but at the moment I think I will leave it as it is, although I will probably add a preload, tat shuold helo the images to load a bit more smoothly.
This little bit of code has been a really good learninig experince beacuse when I was first trying to set this up it just refused to work, and I quickly jumped to the wrong conclusion assuming that Blogger was somehow to blame, I tried all sorts of thinks in the Blogger HTML, but all to no avail, then thankfully I went back and had another look at the javascript code and there was an extra quote mark in the setTimeout() method, Doh!
So I guess that next time I will do the logical thinkg and scan the code very carefullly before I go off trying to find other reasons why the code does not work, but, yeah overall now that it is working I am happy with it and look foward to the next bit of javascript that I throw up amnd have a play with but it could be a litttle while as I have a lot of reading to do.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Task 16
In your blog, comment on what you think about online surveys as a way of collecting feedback from customers, and addressing the questions below. Before you comment, discuss the topic with your group with emphasis on the following questions:
- What are the advantages of online surveys?
- Where there any questions in the survey which weren't particularly useful?
- Identify issues concerning online surveys that could compromise accurate customer feedback about your organisation? Are there any aspects of desired customer feedback which online surveys cannot capture? How often do you fill in online surveys?
- Identify at least two other ways to capture customer feedback, apart from online surveys?
- What kinds of responses can you provide to customers about to their feedback? How do you tell customers you appreciate their feedback? Provide examples.
- If you cannot satisfy an online enquiry from a customer, to whom will you refer it? Does your customer policy indicate how difficult enquiries will be escalated?
Firstly I think that this whole question is rather contrived given that we are basing the answers to these detailed questions upon a fictitious scenario, and I personally do not believe that I have the experience with online surveys, traditional surveys ad customer feed back in general to answer these questions as they stand, I can however pretend to have such experience and provide answers not based on any real experience but rather upon contrived answers to contrived questions, so with out further ado I shall give you my expert opinion on online surveys.
What are the advantages of online surveys?
The advantages of online surveys are numerous they allow for a non labor intensive collection of information, that can in many cases penetrate deeper into the market than may be possible with traditional methods. Online surveys are highly dynamic, the same survey with the same penetration can easily be changed and updated on the fly.
Identify issues concerning online surveys that could compromise accurate customer feedback about your organisation? Are there any aspects of desired customer feedback which online surveys cannot capture? How often do you fill in online surveys?
One issue that tends to arise with online surveys as a form of collecting customer feedback is that many people are hesitant to fill out forms online, due to a perceived security risk many people are afraid of spam and various other online scams that may try and collect personal information for nefarious purposes, and so they have a very negative attitude to any kind of online feedback.
Personally I have had very little experience filing in customer feed hack forms online, there was only in fact the one time that I did so in all my years of internet browsing, I filled in this survey because of the great service that received at that particular website, and because I was not using my own computer so I did not fear the risk of malicious code.
Online surveys are not a good tool for obtaining certain types of customer feedback, things like gender and age are not easily obtained with any degree of certainty because people tend to lie, and if you can not observe these features with your own eyes than you just never know they could well be lying to you and that would mess up all of your data and that would not be good, because that your online survey would just be a big waste of time, and from personal experience I can testify to how much i detest having my time waisted by stupid questions.
Identify at least two other ways to capture customer feedback, apart from online surveys?
Customer feedback can be obtained by installing a root kit into software that you sell to your customers this can be an incredible source of customer feedback because it eliminates the risk of customers deceiving you and also allows you to monitor habits of the customer that they may not actually want to tell you.
Another form of obtaining customer feedback is to set up a forum that deals with the products you sell, this can than be used to monitor how people feel about your product the only problem with this method is that it can be hard to manage an online forum and it takes a dedicated team of propaganda agents to ensure that the good will of the company is not damaged online. If this method is however done correctly than it can be a really good method because aside from collecting customer feedback you can also bad mouth your competitors and promote your own products, this works best if there your propaganda agents are deeply undercover, even occasionally questioning certain conduct of the company so that there true identity is never revealed.
What kinds of responses can you provide to customers about their feedback? How do you tell customers you appreciate their feedback? Provide examples.
Email is the preferred method and it is also a good idea to make sure that you have an automated email system in place so that you can thank people, this is polite and is the least that you can do to thank people for taking the time to fill out your survey.
If you cannot satisfy an online enquiry from a customer, to whom will you refer it? Does your customer policy indicate how difficult enquiries will be escalated?
How long is piece of string and does it serve any purpose?
If I can not satisfy a customer enquiry online, than I suppose whom I refer it to will depend on the nature of the enquiry , the nature of my company and the nature of my role in that company, I do not feel that I can answer such an open ended question as this with out a little bit of background information as to the nature of the enquiry so I have compiled the following fictitious scenario so that I may answer such a question should it arise.
The Scenari
I find myself creating a blog and I happen to post a fictitious scenario online with a mock feedback form that I do not really care about, when suddenly a member of the general public posts a comment on my blog wanting to know How Mr Howard can sleep at night with so much blood on his hands I am unable to answer this question so to whom should I refer this question that I am unable to answer?
I decide that I will simply tell the man that I too am puzzled by this question but that the answer escapes me, I would suggest asking the man himself but honestly abandoned him when he lost his integrity so I decide to do the honest thing myself and simply te;l; him that he will needed to ask somebody else as I nither know the answer nor do I know tio whom he should refer his question.
As for the latter part of the question the answer is definitely no, my policy does not speculate as to how difficult enquiries will be escalated, nor do I know why I should ever wish it to.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
This is not Democracy
When I was still in school and before the media diversity laws were changed and the ABC was silenced by Howard I learned about the importance of a healthy media and the role that it played in a liberal democracy. Now our media is not healthy, and our democracy is not liberal.
And it saddened me greatly how can police officers assault a woman like that ? why did they not even help her up again? did they not feel like tyrants? whose interests are they serving? I thought that they were supposed to protect society and I thought that society was supposed to exist to prevent things like mobs of men from assaulting women in the street and to stop the strong from from abusing the weak.
I think I will do a a bit of research and a few posts about these matters hopefully this will help to ease my mind over the distressing state of affairs that our world is in. There once was a time when I used to follow politics and the news, but then it all got to depressing for me I could not handle all of the injustice, I just burried my head n the sand and changed the channel.
Now I feel compelled to do something, my own government is looking more and more like a totalitarian regime every day and while I used to be able to shut myself away from all the injustice that was being committed by the likes of Bush and Howard on the other side of the world now it is a lot closer to home and I can no longer change the channel,because the injustice is not just being committed on the television it is being committed outside on the streets and my head is likely to be trampled if I leave it under the sand.
At the very least I will ease my own sense of frustration by highlighting some of the injustices that I see over the next few blog posts.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Part 1
What are the advantages of separating the styling (i.e. CSS) from the actual document with the content?
By separating the styling from the document itself the full power of digital text can be realized, if the style and the document are tied together than the advantages that digital text has over the plain old written word are severely compromised. But when the styling is separated from the document than the exciting and dynamic nature of hyper text is fully realized, and the advantages of doing so are legion here are a few advantages dynamic hypertext has to offer.When the web was young and before the advent of Cascading Style sheets the content and the styling of web pages were all combined in the HTML document, this provided some basic styling in the form of Tags such as the <> tag used to denote bold text. However HTML did not provide the kind of presentation that the new and expanding Internet web masters craved
HTML was initially created by Tim Berners-Lee
as a method of sharing and updating research among colleagues and it was more than capable of doing this. It was not however, quite as suitable for the plethora of uses to which it would be employed as the world wide web began to take of in the 1990's.
This led to a lot of inspired and some what at times genius attempts at employing tables as a method of laying out the contents of web pages and greatly improving the way that web pages could be laid out. Given the simple tools that early web developers had to work with it was quite remarkable how much they manged to accomplish with the industrious use of tables.
However tables were not originally created as a means of expressing style and as such they tend to become clustered and clumsy and difficult to both work with and maintain, they also make it very hard for search engines to find the content that is hidden amidst a sea of table data and table row tags.
Finally a solution to what was fast turning into a styling nightmare was provided in the form of Cascading Style Sheets. These are specifically designed to meet the styling needs of the web and are purpose built to be used with HTML. A site that is built with CSS styling as opposed to one that relies on a table based layout will load significantly quicker and be far more accessable to Internet search engines .The advantages of using cascading style sheets have long been recognised now and since the HTML.40 specification it has been a tenet of the standard that HTML is not t be used to apply styling, but rather as a means of structuring a document, and it is left up to CSS to provide the style to a document. Old attribute tags that were formally used to style HTML documents are now depreciated in favour of the styling attributes provided by CSS.
The latest XHTML standards further recognise the advantages of separating the style from the content, as this allows for the dynamic digital advantages of hypertext to be fully realised so that the one document can have differing styling applied and allow it to be tailored to the media that is being used to view the document, the need for this dynamic capability is growing rapidly as the number of Internet enabled hand held devices like the Iphone for example continue to grow rapidly.
Another huge advantage of separating the styling from the content is that it makes it a lot easier to implement a site wide style change without going into each and every document and changing it by hand, the amount of time that can be saved by using an external style sheet and then simply altering this to effect site wide changes can be mind boggling.
With this in mind it is often worth going to the effort of insuring that you do not defeat one of the primary advantages of CSS by over using the internal style commands, it is better to use an external style sheet and link this to the document rather than host the style sheet within the document itself, this ensures the content and the style are truly seperated and allows the dynamic nature of XHTML to be realised.
Part 2
Identify at least two style manuals which you think would be useful for future reference.
I have found the w3schools siteTo be really useful while trying to learn the basics of HTML Javascript and CSS. This site has a wealth of resources and I particularly like the Try it yourself textbox that they have set up so that the user can practice their styling technique and have the results of their code displayed in screen simply by clicking the refresh button.
ADDACTIO is a well written site that I have found to be very useful. While I have learned a lot from reading thru some of the material on this site I do not feel that it is comprehensive enough to recommend as a style guide that I will be referring back to, but it is nonetheless worth checking out and having a Read thru, so I have included it here as well.
As for a second style guide that I will find useful for future reference, I suppose that it is hard to go past a complete and detailed guide such as that found at the Westcive site
I have chosen this site as I know that if I run into a problem or need to know how to do something than it will most likely be covered here, and thanks to the comprehensive hyperlinked table of contents finding that information shall be made all the easier.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Crocodylus Park
The park has a very down to earth feel and fits in well with the Territory way of life, there is no unnecessary pomp, and if you happen to be visiting Darwin in the hope of absorbing some of our unique culture than you will be in for a treat here. It is kind of hard to describe what exactly it is that I mean by this, but I suppose that is the way that it always is with culture, ask an anthropologist to describe culture to you, and they will either spew forth a 30 minute discourse on the ambiguity of the term or perhaps they may simply gnash there teeth at you before launching into a diatribe. Suffice to say the park is very down to earth but at the same time it is very obviously a professional and well funded operation.
Entry was $25 Australian dollars, which is neither particularly expensive nor cheap, and I suppose it is all relative to your circumstances, but You certainly do get to see a lot of animals for your penny's, and there are also guided tours in the mornings midday and afternoons, where the guide will feed the crocodiles, make them jump in the air and try and get them to play up for the camera, Being in the middle of the tourist season when I went the tour was rather full, but it was Nice to see the guide conscious of this and make an effort to ensure that everybody had an opportunity to get some close up shots of the big Lizards being fed.
Not that there were that many Big Crocodiles to see, as a a child I went to the Crocodile farm on quite a few occasions and as I recall they did seem to have a few more of the really, big Crocs it also would have been Nice to have seen the large Crocodiles from
There were many more medium and small sized Crocodiles then there were large ones, and some of these did provide some nice photo opportunity's where the crocodiles were literally lying on top of each other and occasionally having a bit of a Biff, many of the crocodiles showed visible scars testament to the vicious nature of these ancient creatures.
There was actually a lot more to the park than just Crocodiles with a host of native animal on display, such as wallabies emus a wombat Dingoes and also a number of exotic imports. If you want to get some nice close up photos of tigers or Lions than this would be a great place to do so. I remember going to the Auckland zoo and having to push my 10x optical zoom to the limit just to get near the tiger that, was hidden way at the back of an enclosure seemingly designed to help hide the Tiger from the Zoo's visitors.
As I said there is no such problem here and all of the big cats as well as the monkeys are in plain sight. I was not all that happy seeing the dingoes they
At least the animals do get a steady supply of food, there are many dogs that suffer a lot worse at the hands of there masters, particularly in many remote parts of the territory, where people have enough trouble looking after themselves let alone there dogs.
There were many Crocodile products to be found in the gift shop in particular there were some really nice looking Crocodile purses it is odd that I noticed them because I assure you I am not really inclined to ponder the fashion sense of purses but for some reason or other they caught my eye and they looked very fashionable. There is quite a collaboration between the Charles Darwin University and the park and it would not surprise me if some talented design students had gone to work on a range of crocodile skin products.
If you feel that a crocodile skull or crocodile paw or practically any other bodily member of a Crocodile would make your home feel complete than, you will be delighted by the array of Crocodile body parts on offer at the gift shop.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Google Adds & Your Health
Now Google is developing Google Health
Which don't get me wrong looks like a great and long overdue idea. I just hope that drug adds linked to your condition don't start popping up on screen as soon as you start entering in your medical details, for too long Big Pharmaceutical company's have had far too much influence. New Scientist as usual were news breaking when they ran a series of articles that called into question the amount of influence that corporate influenced lobby groups hold and how they are possibly influencing the way that many illnesses are treated.
Call me simple but I think that the patients health, and the best method of treatment should not be compromised by corporate lobby groups that seem to have an undue influence on the drugs that are used for treatment. Having taken Viox myself and falling rather ill I can testify to the tragic consequences of clinical trials that are not independent of the parties that hold an interest in the results.
I would like to make it clear that I am not saying that Google Health is too blame here or that it is a bad idea, I think it is a great idea and is clearly the way of the future, but lets just be sure that drugs get prescribed for the benefit of the patient and not for the benefit of corporate profit.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Anthropology and Web 2.0
About a year or so ago having just gotten my first computer and starting out into the cyber age, I recall this great sense of awe, this feeling of having all that I desire laid out before me, this feeling of pioneering excitement of inexhaustible adventure and it is this sense of wonderment which has been so very brilliantly captured in this video.
I still think it is amazing, to be able to communicate and exchange our lives with one another the way we do today and it has motivated me to undertake a diploma in IT so that I can gain the knowledge to work these tools and tend the fire of our times.
When I was living by myself sometimes I would feel lonely one thing that would always cheer me up would be reading some great anthropology blogs like antropologi.info
They gave me a sense of belonging and of company in this vast sea of life.
It was with great pleasure that I stumbled upon this video it reminded me of some of those first Ethnographic waves I caught as I first learned to surf. The video is not really about anthropology, well it is, but only in so far as it explorers this great Communal Tool that has captivated our culture.
I encourage you to send comments and compliments to Mike Wesh
Who is responsible for this great work.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Fall Before me Machine OR Building my first PC
What an awesome experience this has been, for years, I have lurked around PC Building magazines such as Atomic
(which is by the way a pretty awesome Australian hardcore computing magazine)
But always thought that it would be too hard, but recently I took the plunge and very nearly proved myself right. Being a student and on a tight budget, that actually should never have stretched as far as it did I opted for a Gigabyte
GA-VM900M mother board, which while cheap is still pretty nasty.I also got a SATA hard drive and a SATA DVD combo drive a one 1 GIG stick of DDR2 667 ram and an Intel E6420 core 2 Duo processor.
It was the price of the core 2 duo that motivated me to build the thing in the first place, all that power for a mere $280, this is what Halo looks like on my starting to get old and never intended for gaming laptop
The installation seemed to go along quite well I bought a really cheap and really nasty case, because I could not afford anything else, and assembled my components, it was a lot of fun if you have not tried it and you are interested in computers, than give it a go, you won't be disappointed, there are heaps of tutorials online and I find that while Mikes Hardware
is getting old now, there is a dearth of information here and it can be really helpful if you encounter a problem.
On an old test PC that I was getting some practice on, I got an error about an 80 pin socket, I was like WTF googled it and stumbled upon this site that helped me, and straight away I was able to go and connect the hard drive properly.You definitely want to practice on an old machine before you touch the new stuff as just a little bit of tinkering around inside the box can really help to build up that confidence.Use your brain or fry yourself when you play with electricity the chioce is yours and I will not judge you one way or the other.
So I thought all was good I had everything assembled I powered on the system and there was just a beep, followed by a click click and another beep and still yet more click click's the CPU fan and the system Fan fired up but there was no signal going thru to the monitor, it was about then that I realised maybe I had bitten off more than I could chew.
After reading the troubleshooting forums at Atomic I thought that I had fried my mother board I also suspected that the shitty case that I had bought may not have had enough juice to power the machine, and a half dozen other theory's, that seemed to multiply with each post that I read.This was really frustrating but I knew (OK I desperately crossed my fingers and hoped) that if I waited to pay day, and stretched my budget a little further, bought a couple more components than maybe just maybe I would get this PC up and running.
So I had to wait a week, it was a long depressing week full of anxious moments where I would lie in bed wondering why oh why was I so concerned about a PC that would not boot, oh just take these thoughts of upgrades and trouble shooting forum images out of mind and let me sleep, no not dream about giant sized click click clicking computer components, sleep please just let me sleep, get out of my mind, oh hurry up pay day I can't stand that Useless PC lying in the corner looking at me laughing at me saying that it has defeated me, work you bastard, don't beep just work, why oh why won't you work.
But once payday finally arrived I went to the store and got a slightly better case, nearly bought another motherboard, but fortunately the techie said that it may be RAM so I bought a half GIG stick, threw it all in and you little rippa it booted up I was so happy to see that screen come up, I really was not expecting it to come up , as I still thought that the motherboard was fried, but she was alright, the machine booted Victory was mine machine nothing man oh mighty man ONE.Somewhere in between turning it on and off again, to test the old ram and make certain that it was the RAM before I returned it to the store, I noticed Smoke pouring out of the machine, Shock Horror petrified silence.
It was not actually too bad it was just some plastic melting, I had attached the front sound cable to the wrong connection, I kind of knew it was the wrong one, but I just wasn't thinking, it was the last cable Before I could test the machine, the week leading up to this moment had felt like a glacial age and so I just threw it i
Being an IT student I got Vista for $5 dollars, so that I can test it out on this machine, but still mostly use my laptop for all of my important work (honestly I do important work).So far Vista has been a little frustrating I tried installing some antivirus software and Vista had a fit, but I do like the way that you can see files inside of folders, but I guess I may as well leave Vista for another post, thanks for sharing in my victory dance, one day I will figure out how to use my camera without flash, and then I will take some better photos, but these ones still look all right tech looks so Sexy.
Task8 part 2 Writeboard
One of the things that I liked most about working with writeboard was being able to just start putting words down and knowing that even if what I write is not suitable for the final copy it is still useful as a foundation to build upon, either by myself or by one of my colleagues when they in turn are working on the project.Obviously this goes the same for other members of the team, at one point in creating the policy I found that I was out of inspiration so I left the project for a day came back and reading up on what my colleagues had written felt inspired with fresh ideas and insight, this allowed me to continue on past tat sticking point.It is said that two heads are better than one, and the saying certainly runs true with Writeboard.
This was the first time that I had encountered a Textile and I found this textile reference
to be an excellent introduction to what looks like a fascinating method of marking up text, with a little bit of practice writing web based marked up documents should be a breeze, the difference that a little bit of formatting can make is really quite remarkable.
Having a "humane web based text generator" greatly contributes to the utility of Writeboard
because semantic markup helps to give meaning to a document and there is no steep learning curve.To gain a working knowledge of a textile language only takes a few minutes initially and as you go along you can easily build upon your skills. This is important so that even people with little computer knowledge can easily contribute to a web base document and provide input that speaks semantically.
Would I use Writeboard again? I most certainly would and already have an upcoming project in mind that may well see me gaining further textile experience, actually it probably does not really need to be used for this project and may be a little bit of overkill but I will try and incorporate it in nonetheless because as you may have guessed I am now quite the Writeboard Fan Boy.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Robotic Packmule
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Economics 101

Rant, warning but I promise to keep it short, like Mr Howard.Check out the graph, and see just how competitive our privatised telecommunications network has become.
I guess what annoys me the most is the false advertising that is used to promote broadband prices, rather than say Broadband plans from just $19.95 per month, why don't they be truthful and say
"Broadband caps for just &19.95 that will let you surf the net for, one or, possibly even as many as two days a month, before we drop you back to speeds that make you wish you were still using dial up, or perhaps you would prefer excess usage charges that make phone sex look like VOIP".
In New Zealand, when there telecom started trying to ripp off all of the citizens with outrageous Bandwidth costs, poor infrastructure maintenance and development, the Government stepped in and made them clean up there act, But I have not seen the poor old dog legged ACC let out so much as a whimper let alone a bark, at our Telescum.
Privatisation is Theft!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Golden Trevally N.T
Not really expecting to catch anything, but happy to be out under the clear blue sky and enjoying the fresh sea breeze, I threw out a couple of 60 pound hand lines loaded with fresh squid.
The distinctive sound of plastic dragging across concrete alerted me that I had a hit, I yanked the

If you have never used a mailable hand line in the range of 40 to 60 pound to catch a large fish, then you are missing out on one of fishing's true pleasures, the 20 minute battle that ensued was a highlight of my fishing adventures in the Northern Territory, it may not be the biggest fish that I have ever caught, but it certainly was the best fight and most memorable fight.
In fact the golden trevally is one of the underrated sports fish found around Darwin and the north of Australia.Most people up here are obsessed with Baramundi fishing, and rate the trevally as poor catch, but if you look closely at the tail of a trevally you can get some idea of it's power, I believe there are some giant trevallyare so big they defy capture, a giant trevally of a hundred pounds is a frightening prospect that will humble any tackle short of a full blown Marlin Sport fishing rig.

The smile really says it all, having felt the awesome strength of this fish between my torn and bloody fingers the thought of actually landing it was inconceivable all that I could hope for was to get a look at it before what seemed like the inevitable and heart rendering Bust off.
Amazingly I wore the fish down, and with the last of my strength I did in fact manage to land it.
If you do make your way to the Northern Territory make sure you book a reef fishing trip and have a go at some of the reef species we have around here, there is a lot more to fishing in Darwin than just Baramundi.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Task 6
I have found, working at home to be rather pleasant but it has been hard to implement the ideal OH&S solutions within my home work space as the budget never seems to stretch far enough.For example check out the photos of my work station on my PhotoBucket account
And you will have an idea of the issues that I have had to face while working at home.Having spent all of my money on a 32 inch high definition screen and stylish notebook, there is none available to purchase a suitable chair.So for the mean time I will have to persevere with the old rickety chair, but soon a new chair will be purchased and this particular OH&S issue can then be resolved.
So I guess what this Image really highlights about OH&S is that these issues need to be considered when you are doing your budgeting, and funds need to be left aside for OH&S issues that may arise in the future as otherwise, once an issue is identified there will be no way to resolve the issue, if solving the problem requires monetary expenditure.
Part 2
The report on the OH&S issues at Real Fresh brought up a number of issues that will need to be dealt with.The task of identifying these issues is made a lot easier having used a text based form as opposed to a form that over relies on check boxes.
The height of the benches on which the computers that are used for invoicing reside was found to be problem, and a suggestion on how to fix this was recorded in the report.The habit of removing chairs from the work area by members of other departments, was also noted and rightly identified as an issue that affects the ergonomics of the work place.
Overall the report results suggested that the ergonomics of the work place were mostly OK, with only the problem of desk height being of any real concern.The results do indicate that staff training as regards safety issues such as use of fire extinguishers and the storing of hazardous chemicals will need immediate attention.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Occupational health and safety plays an important role in the workplace for many reasons, The fact that so many Australian's are injured while at work is evidence of it's importance.
According to the Australian Bureau of statistics 6.8% of employees in Australia were injured in the 2005-2006 financial year, this relates to approximately 700 thousand Australian's a year injured while at work, the economic as well social implications of such a vast number of injured persons is what has prompted all states and Territories within the Commonwealth of Australia to enact Legislation that deals with OH&S issues in the work place.
Task 2
- All employers are required to 'provide and maintain a means of access to and egress from the workplace which allows safe and rapid egress from the workplace in an emergency' as found in the Work Health Act section 47(1)(b).This mean that things like fire exits need to be kept clear at all times and that an evacuation plan must be in place in case of a fire or similar emergency.
- All floors of a workplace must 'as far as is practicable, be slip resistant and free from an obstruction that may cause a worker to trip or fall.' this a requirement of section 51 of the Work health Act.So for example in a fast food outlet if there is a floor that is likely to have grease spilt all over it then, there needs to be a slip resistant surface, and a policy on footwear in place.
- An employer has a duty of care to ' provide and maintain at a workplace first aid equipment and first aid amenities for use by a worker at the workplace.'The duty of care that an employer owes his employees at the workplace can be found in section 51(1) of the Work Health Act.So for example a first aid kit needs to be on hand so that cuts and other accidents can be dealt with.
- An employer needs to ensure that a supply of drinkable water is available for his employees.This really is self explanatory, If an employee is expected to work then he needs to, and is entitled to have access to drinkable water.
Task 3
If the employee has created the work environment by positioning the desk where it is then, he will be responsible for fixing the problem, because he owes a duty of care to his employee to ensure that lighting conditions are adequate for the work at hand.This is a requirement of section 57(1) of the Work Health Act.