Rant, warning but I promise to keep it short, like Mr Howard.Check out the graph, and see just how competitive our privatised telecommunications network has become.
I guess what annoys me the most is the false advertising that is used to promote broadband prices, rather than say Broadband plans from just $19.95 per month, why don't they be truthful and say
"Broadband caps for just &19.95 that will let you surf the net for, one or, possibly even as many as two days a month, before we drop you back to speeds that make you wish you were still using dial up, or perhaps you would prefer excess usage charges that make phone sex look like VOIP".
In New Zealand, when there telecom started trying to ripp off all of the citizens with outrageous Bandwidth costs, poor infrastructure maintenance and development, the Government stepped in and made them clean up there act, But I have not seen the poor old dog legged ACC let out so much as a whimper let alone a bark, at our Telescum.
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