Thursday, August 16, 2007

Google Adds & Your Health

Not too long ago, a couple of months real time, which is several eons in web time, Google came under fire for an an article posted in the Google Health Advertising Blog that was accused of suggesting ways that Google could help Pharmaceutical company's to manipulate public opinion in light of Michael Mores New film SICKO. To be honest there is nothing really wrong with the post, and it received more attention than it probably deserved an advertiser can be expected to recommend services to its clients as a method of influencing public perception, that is after all the whole point of advertising.

Now Google is developing Google Health
Which don't get me wrong looks like a great and long overdue idea. I just hope that drug adds linked to your condition don't start popping up on screen as soon as you start entering in your medical details, for too long Big Pharmaceutical company's have had far too much influence. New Scientist as usual were news breaking when they ran a series of articles that called into question the amount of influence that corporate influenced lobby groups hold and how they are possibly influencing the way that many illnesses are treated.

Call me simple but I think that the patients health, and the best method of treatment should not be compromised by corporate lobby groups that seem to have an undue influence on the drugs that are used for treatment. Having taken Viox myself and falling rather ill I can testify to the tragic consequences of clinical trials that are not independent of the parties that hold an interest in the results.

I would like to make it clear that I am not saying that Google Health is too blame here or that it is a bad idea, I think it is a great idea and is clearly the way of the future, but lets just be sure that drugs get prescribed for the benefit of the patient and not for the benefit of corporate profit.

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